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Hello there!

My name is Tori Gladstone 

AKA the paperback princess.

I am a college student who has recently discovered her love for writing. I am an editor for my college newspaper and now a self proclaimed blogger. As I navigate the life of an education major in today's society, I hope you'll join me! 

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Introducing Me

In my senior English class in a smallish town in central New Jersey, my teacher assigned my class to read The Lord of the Flies. I’d say I read around 30 of 224 pages and coasted through the consistent pop quizzes and assignments with the help of some too easily accessible book summary websites. It was only until my junior year of college that I actually sat down to read it. To my surprise, I liked it! Turns out it wasn’t as terrible as I remembered.  


As a student, I was never captivated by reading and writing. I was an average student with average grades, but my education was centered around receiving decent grades rather than exploring different avenues of certain subjects, especially anything within my English classes. 


In all honesty, I really only chose my English major because I needed to choose a content area, and essay writing came pretty naturally to me. Not that I did amazing on all of my papers, but I really clicked with the structured elements and knew sorting information into somewhat of a list could be something I could be good at. 


Now, a self proclaimed writer I am grateful for the choices I have made in college that have gotten me to this point and am excited for my future. I am set to graduate from The College of New Jersey next spring (2024) with my bachelor in English and Secondary Education. Following this I will be getting my special education masters in just one year after.


I created this blog for several reasons. First, I very much enjoy writing. Not just about education or literature or even myself, but anything. It helps me organize my thoughts and visualize them. I can physically see what I think about considering a lot of ideas run through my mind. Second, I thought this would be a great solution to my biggest concern right now: how I am going to take what I learn in college and actually bring what I do to the real world. I am extremely lucky to be in such a wonderful education program and I have gained so much from my experience as a substitute teacher. I want to be able to write everything and keep my newfound knowledge in my “toolbox,” persay. Finally, I want to showcase all I can do! I am passionate about writing and want to demonstrate my skills as a learning journalist and as a future educator. I know my time in college so far has made me all of these things because I actually sat down and made this blog. For those reading, thanks for reading! I hope anyone who reads this learns a little something about me and what it means to be a future teacher today.

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